
Saturday, January 4, 2014


      So, I was watching the awesome movie " Now You See Me " the other day and the concept of illusion is amazing! Create a distraction, people's attention is caught, and they loose their focus on the real deal. Most of the times, the real trick, the real thing is right in front of you. Well, somehow that's life. You see, most of the times, we focus on the things we think are important or the things that we want them to be important, all the while the things we need the most are always there, however we got distracted by a "fake" belief. Let's say we seek love, we are trying to find our soul mates, so we start looking around, going into relationships, going out of relationships, and questioning our feelings every single step of the way, but we fail to notice that true love is always there. True love exists in our mothers' eyes, in our dads' proud look, in our siblings' pranks, and in our daily lives. It is there, we only have to look for it in the right place. Needless to say, that looking for your other half is as well important, and the distraction is actually the most important thing for a magic trick to succeed, for when you find true love you appreciate the love that you have; and when you figure out the distraction, you unveil the main magic trick.
      At other times, and I quote, "the closer you look, the less you see". So, you're trying to win the heart of a man/women, and you're so focused on doing so that you neglect looking away to where the best package is. At those times, you have to let go and loose your focus in order to see what you're supposed to see, and get to where you are supposed to go. Sometimes, we have to take a step back, and take a wider look at things.
     This doesn't apply for love only, it applies for everything in life. For instance, a job, money, your major, and your choices.
      I might have elaborated on the matter more than I should, or thought deep about a movie more than I should. So, in short, to reveal the trick and figure the magic trick, we have to follow the right thread, we have to know when to look at the distraction and when to focus at the true things, we have to simply know where to look and which thread to follow. However, few possess the ability to do so while still managing to enjoy the magic show! Those are the people who claim the best of life!