
Monday, December 30, 2013

The Explorer's Apprentice

If you are Titanic obsessed you should check that story on Wattpad " The Explorer's Apprentice".
Although it is based on the events of the movie, and while reading it you know everything that is going to happen, it is really good. The author "walkingsunshine" is very good, especially when it comes to details and description. She took the story to a whole new level somehow. Check it out, and tell me what you think. That is if anyone is reading this new blog :/.

Sunday, December 29, 2013


    A year ago or so, and being the book worm I am, I was looking for apps to download free books and I found Wattpad. It isn't exactly what I was looking for, but this website is really good. It's actually another blog, but it is specialized in books and writing. I believe scouts or editors should check it out, because there exists amazing authors! I got addicted to it at times. I just enjoyed the simple fast reads, and connecting with the authors immediately after a chapter is updated is nice. To tell you the truth, you are definitely going to encounter cheesy bad authors there, but when you find the good ones, the fun starts! Also, you might refuse to waste your time on an unpublished book, but it is the same as any blog.After all, the ideas are all that matter, right?!
    So, if you are interested in such stuff which I'm sure a lot of you are (you check blogs after all) go visit the website You can create reading lists too.
P.S: Check out Jadedviolet, she is my favorite author so far. Her books Handcuffed and Fractured are very interesting and she is amazing when it comes to describing feelings! My account is JHLOVE96.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Unknown

    When I check the audience stats and notice that there are 3 pageviews or so, it makes my day. Really! I mean I know it isn't much as many blogs are popular, but hey it is good for a start, and I'm going to be optimistic about something for a change.
    Anyways, I want to talk about death a bit because an incident happened today, a tragedy that we became used to. I realize that it isn't a pleasant topic, but I have to put it out. This world has became so corrupted that human lives are being toyed with constantly. Just like that, people are murdered daily to satisfy someone's plan, political view, or the stupidest of reasons. It's souls we are talking about, individuals and lives, not any asset that should be disposed when necessary! We people must wake up and fix the world. You may call me a dreamer for saying that, you will say what a stupid individual who still believes that this can be even fixed. Well, thinking the opposite won't take us to the destined peaceful world, it sure won't. And when we believe in anything, we can make it happen. This reminds me of our English professor. Back in high school we used to ask for permission to leave the class, and we used to say: "Mr. X can we ...". He used to say: " never say can, because you always can, instead say may". So we can do anything we want when we set our minds and souls to it, as simple as that.
    Sometimes when people die, others laugh at such death. It definitely shouldn't be that way. You see death should be respected no matter what. Even if we hated the person who passed away, even if that person made our lives hell, and even if we wished him/her dead, we must respect their death. For the sake of the tiny bit of humanity that's left out there, for the sake of his loved ones, and for the sake of life. Someday, we are going to be in that situation, either loose someone dear or we'll pass away as meant to happen. So we are bound to respect the unknown at any cost. When I see people crying in real life or in a movie, I cry and I mourn with them because I feel them and I sympathize with them. If everybody acted that way, we would be in a far better place. But there's always a yin to a yang, and evil lies everywhere. 
    I took it too far I guess, but "dreaming" about such world isn't a forbidden thing yet,and I just wanted to voice it out. The tiny bit of faith I have in such world is fading daily. This talk about death reminds me of the Deathly Hallows' story that I adore.
We should respect life in order to be able to respect death. And Life of Pi movie and book (so much better than the movie) have interesting beautiful ideas about life.
"Life is so beautiful that death has fallen in love with it, a jealous, possessive love that grabs at what it can. But life leaps over oblivion lightly, losing only a thing or two of no importance, and gloom is but the passing shadow of a cloud..." 

Friday, December 27, 2013

Let It Go!!!

     People, you have to watch this movie!!! It's amazing. Yes, I'm practically a grown up, but hey who can resist a Disney movie. It reveals the story of a princess with the ability to control snow and what not. However, she has to hide such powers in fear of harming someone. With time, her power is going out of control. On her coronation, her secret is exposed and her world is turned upside down. She runs away to the mountains.
     And there is my favorite part and song of the movie: " Let It Go "
This is Idina Menzel's version. There's also Lovato's version which is played at the end.

Very inspirational!I love Idina's version more. The characters are cool. Queen Elsa and her sister princess Anna are fun lovers and ecstatic , but Elsa hides that part along with her power. Anna is quiet joyful and Olaf is that Disney character you wish it can pop out of the screen and come to life! Anyway, as in all Disney movies, good conquers evil and EVERYONE LIVES HAPPILY EVER AFTER! An outstanding Disney family movie, a must watch indeed! So glad Disney still owns its magic. <3

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Brave One

Fear. It's there, but we don't realize its existence until something triggers it and brings out of the shadows of our souls. Erica Bain (Jodie Foster) is a successful NY woman, with her own radio show, and her beloved loyal fiance. She has the life she always wanted, and an upcoming wedding. All this is burned to ashes when a peaceful walk in the park turns her life upside down, where Erica and her fiance end up dead. Erica died, and a new woman is born. A woman who derives her strength from her constant fear. A modern hero is born, a hero who takes the life of bad people without a second thought. This movie shows that fear is always there, even when we don't notice its existence, and once we loose everything, all what is left is fear. We are afraid that the incident will occur again, we are afraid for the people who might share the same suffering one day, we are afraid to live because we have nothing left to loose, nothing left to protect. And to eliminate the fear, we do the only thing we know, take revenge which becomes a way of living. This movie also gives a glimpse of NY city, the marvelous city everyone loves. The safest city, the city of dreams that Erica describes it passionately on her radio show. And just like that, pouf, that city vanishes. Its silver lining hides the crimes, and the lack of safety that threatens the daily lives of its citizens. Judie's and Terrance's performances are outstanding, and if you are look for a quick thriller, The Brave One is your pick. Yes it's a relatively old movie, it was released in 2007, but it is worth watching and reviewing and I was glued to the tv. A 4 stars movie!

“Men go to far greater lengths to avoid what they fear than to obtain what they desire.” 

― Dan BrownThe Da Vinci Code 
“There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.” 
― John Lennon )

A World of My Own

    Initiating a blog was never an option, and what triggered it now is my love for words, and for English in particular. I feel that I have to voice my thoughts or I'll explode! English isn't my native language, but it is an escape. Some individuals might not understand the beauty of a foreign language, the beauty of new words that may express one's feelings in a way a native language can't. Some say that French is the language of diplomacy, Spanish is the language of passion, and Russian is the language of power...Well for me English is a universal language that approximately sums everything up. It vents my anger, fear, love, and any emotion that invades my fragile heart. Don't get this wrong, I love my native language, and my loyalty for my country and culture is everlasting. So being the language lover I am, having a favorite language is normal. This might change, who knows!

    In this complicated world, my mind finds relief in books and movies. With every word I read, and with every scene my eyes catch, I travel to a world of my own. A parallel universe where an alternating version of my life is possible. And I wonder what if this and that was actually possible. Sometimes I love the the storm of feeling that erupts within my soul when I finish a book or a movie. A sad scene can literally leave me with tears, and a sweet romantic story can make butterflies erupt in my stomach!Weird?Yes, I never said I am normal.
     I just started this blog, and the thought came out of no where, but I hope that someone out there shares my thoughts about life, movies, books... 

     Right now two quotes can sum it up and reveal some of my traits:
"She had always wanted words, she loved them; grew up on them. Words gave her clarity, brought reason, shape." --Michael Ondaatje
"In the world I am always a stranger, I don't understand it's language, it doesn't understand my silence."--Bei Dao